Call Dr. Atkins and tell him I'm running late
What was your favorite memory this year?
In April, I followed two friends into Smitty's, a 100-year-old BBQ joint in Lockhart, Texas. We walked toward the back of the restaurant, near the pits, and found Jimmy sharpening a long knife on a whetstone the size of a shoebox. We leaned on the counter and watched him as he slid the knife back and forth, periodically pausing to thumb the two-inch-wide blade. After a while he looked up, held his index finger and thumb four inches apart, and said, "It used to be this wide." He pronounced "wide" like "waaaad."
"Where you from?" asked Jimmy, whose bright white duds contrasted sharply with the soot that covered every inch of Smitty's interior. We told him (St. Paul, New York) and he slowly got up and said, "Guess I better show y'all around." He showed us the pits, took us back into the meat locker, pointed out the place where Miss Sandra Bullock had once dined, and let us poke our heads into the sausage room, where Smitty's stuffed and hung hundreds of sausages every day before smoking.

We silently dug into the steaming pile of beef and pork with our bare hands -- no forks at Smitty's. After a while Mike, who had arrived in Texas from Manhattan not two hours prior, leaned back and reflected on just how far he had traveled: "Yesterday afternoon I was in a meeting where my boss said, 'You know, no one wants to see the sausage being made.'"
That was my favorite memory of 2006. Post your favorite here (click "comments" below), and let me know if you will or will not be playing hoops at St. John's tomorrow. There's still time to make a breakaway dunk your favorite 2006 moment!