“We have a great bunch of outside shooters. Unfortunately, all our games are played indoors.” —Weldon Drew

Friday, May 14, 2004

For Our Records

So that we may serve you better, please take a moment to answer the following questions.

You sit down at your computer to see that you have sent an e-mail with the following message to your most important client:

ASKASDK 8888888888I.//,,, sdafsd
'sdaff sd'ihijav ,;,,,,,

You are:

a) Using a highly sophisticated encryption technology to communicate confidential information
b) Communicating via anagram
c) The father of a two-year-old

In playing back the reminders on your personal voice recorder, you discover that recording #6 consists of nothing but 12 minutes of ambient noise, briefly interrupted by sniffing sounds. You are:

a) Making an acoustic study of your home in preparation for an upcoming remodeling project
b) Recording the cat, so that you may remember the sound of your dear pet always
c) The father of a two-year-old

You pull back the shower curtain and find a grout brush and an ice cream scoop on the bottom of the tub. You are:

a) Planning to prepare a sundae for the plumber
b) Into some very kinky business
c) The father of a two-year-old

In performing routine maintenance on your car, the technician discovers bits of graham cracker in the fuel injector. You are:

a) Experimenting with grain-based alternative fuels
b) Hiding off-limits high-carb treats in the engine compartment
c) The father of a two-year-old

When you wake up on Saturday morning your first thought is of getting out of the house as quickly as possible. You are:

a) Headed for hoops at St. John's
b) The father of a two-year-old
c) All of the above

Thank you. The information you provide will be used to make our products and services even better.

Hoops at St. John's tomorrow -- 8:00 a.m., as usual. Please let me know if you will or will not be there. And remember: Next week we switch to Wednesday nights at 6:30. Mark your calendar for May 19.


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