Who got screwed? Not your club

In Arizona, the Sun Devils beat the Wildcats twice but are staying home. Creighton's 21-10 record? Until you can make people remember what state you're in, keep dreaming. Florida? Shoulda played better. VCU? Shoulda played a better schedule. I'll miss Nevada and all the excitement Kirk Snyder and Nick Fazekas created the last few years, but them's the breaks.
You could make a case that Gonzaga, which made its name by being willing to play anyone and has already played 10 teams in the tournament field, should have received better than a No. 7 seed, but hey, you still play in something called the West Coast Conference. And anyway you let us down all those years we picked you to go to the Elite Eight.
No, the field is solid. The only folks who got screwed this year are you and me. Here's how:
- We will not get to see both Kansas State's Michael Beasley and USC's O.J. Mayo play past the first round. The Selection Committee thought it would be hoot to match up the two nation's two best freshmen in a first-round game. You know what? Not so much.
- Either Drake or Western Kentucky, two teams with big-time spoiler potential, will go home early after they square off. Really? You couldn't spare us Indiana-Arkansas for a chance to root for two Cindarellas?
- Ditto Gonzaga-Davidson. Shame on you, Committee. Really.
You know how it works: Send me the names of the four teams YOU pick to be in the Final Four this year, specifying which team you pick to win it all and which you pick as the runner-up. (Several people miss this crucial detail every year and are disqualified.)
After the champion's been crowned, I will score everyone's picks as follows: 1 point for each team you correctly place in the Final Four, 2 points for naming the runner-up, and 3 points for naming the champion. The winner will receive a prize so fabulous I haven't thought of it yet. The winner's team will also be spotted 4 points in a game to 11 in our first post-tournament game at St. John's. (A non-player winner will receive a prize of approximately equal value, whatever that would be.) In the event of a tie, the winner will be chosen by a random draw. All recipients of this e-mail are eligible to enter.
But there's more! Specify a fifth team, seeded 9 or lower, as your darkhorse pick. If that team makes it into the Final Four, you will win $64 and a six-pack of Summit Pale Ale. (Yes, I've had to write that check.) Doggone it, if there's a better NCAA tournament contest, I've never heard of it!
All entries must be received in my inbox by tip-off of the first game on Thursday, March 20.
After you submit your entry, please let me know if you will or will not be playing hoops at St. John’s this weekend. We tip off at 8:00 a.m., as usual.
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