“We have a great bunch of outside shooters. Unfortunately, all our games are played indoors.” —Weldon Drew

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Mourning in America

The NCAA tournament didn't really grab my attention until 1982, and even then not until 5 seconds to go in the title game (Freddy Brown's errant pass to James Worthy). I have a newspaper, though, from the day after the 1981 championship recounting -- on page 3 of the sports section -- Indiana's victory over North Carolina.

I saved the paper for its front-page headline: REAGAN SHOT. I thought about how ashen my seventh-grade teacher looked as he told about the assassination attempt that day, and I remembered there had been some question at the time about whether to proceed with the game that night. Looking into it I found one account that tells the story better than I could. As with many stories involving Reagan, it ends with a perfect little quip from the President. R.I.P.

Our game will go on tonight, at 6:30 p.m., as usual. Please let me know if you WILL or WILL not be playing.


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