Mourning in America
The NCAA tournament didn't really grab my attention until 1982, and even then not until 5 seconds to go in the title game (Freddy Brown's errant pass to James Worthy). I have a newspaper, though, from the day after the 1981 championship recounting -- on page 3 of the sports section -- Indiana's victory over North Carolina.
I saved the paper for its front-page headline: REAGAN SHOT. I thought about how ashen my seventh-grade teacher looked as he told about the assassination attempt that day, and I remembered there had been some question at the time about whether to proceed with the game that night. Looking into it I found one account that tells the story better than I could. As with many stories involving Reagan, it ends with a perfect little quip from the President. R.I.P.
Our game will go on tonight, at 6:30 p.m., as usual. Please let me know if you WILL or WILL not be playing.
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