Check the label

- Ceiling tiles
- Mousepads
- Green Machine flavored Naked Juice
- Sweeping compound
- Döner kebab (pronounced "Donner," N.B.)
- Fillings
- Dave's Gourmet Hot Sauce & Garden Spray
- Crocs
- Matt Veseldahl's freaky composite basketball
“We have a great bunch of outside shooters. Unfortunately, all our games are played indoors.” —Weldon Drew
The Missus called my office about two weeks before the wedding.
My husband and I received a wedding invitation from my nephew's son, whom we have never gotten to know very well. Included in the invitation was a deposit slip to a bank savings account "in lieu of gifts"! We later learned that everyone on the guest list received a deposit slip, even the grandmother.So what do I know?
It was decent of the Twins to postpone the groundbreaking for their new stadium after that big bridge fell down. When the Twins finally do get around to building their $522 million ballpark plenty of folks in the northern Twin Cities would love to come down to see a game. If only they could get there. Ditto the new Gopher football stadium.
[By] 2030, the 65-and-over population will nearly double to 71 million; its share of the population will rise to 20 percent from 12 percent. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid—programs that serve older people—already exceed 40 percent of the $2.7 trillion federal budget. By 2030, their share could hit 75 percent of the present budget, projects the Congressional Budget Office.He goes on, and the emphasis is mine:
To keep federal spending stable as a share of the economy would mean eliminating all defense spending and most other domestic programs (for research, homeland security, the environment, etc.). To balance the budget with existing programs at their present economic shares would require, depending on assumptions, tax increases of 30 percent to 50 percent—or budget deficits could quadruple.So, to recap Jon Stewart-style: New stadiums, new bridges, everyone getting older, (cough) $500 billion war (cough), no new taxes.