Hey, Number Eight! You suck!

Did you have a good day Saturday, Number Eight? Did you sleep in? Get a lot done around the house?
What did you do, rake? Yeah, get that fall yardwork done first thing in the morning. Not like you don't have the whole rest of the weekend. Get that fall fertilizer down? Good for you. Yessir, gotta love Saturday morning. Nothing but free time.
Us? Not much. Met up at the gym. Just the seven of us.
What was it you did again? You say you vacuumed? Did you put on your little Merry Maids outfit and clean the house, Nancy Boy? Maybe did the grocery shopping? Is that it? Stop at Sam's Club, didja? Get some paper towels and pop and giant-size cheese corn?
We just played some hoops over at St. John's. Just the seven us, so . . . Little three on three, work up a sweat, get out of there. You know. But, except you don't know because you were at a craft show with your wife or . . . What was it, again? Had to run some movies back to Blockbuster or something?
Anyway, it was fun. We were hoping to have at least eight, you know, what with the new Eighth Man Award and all. Kind of a fun idea. But, no, it was just the seven of us. So we played threes. But that was cool.
We'll be there again tomorrow, if you're up for it. I mean if you're literally up. Know you like your Zs. We tip at 8:00, as usual. If you're not all tuckered out from, you know, whatever you're doing tonight. Just hanging out? Maybe watch some tube? Cool. So maybe you'll be up for it. Let me know.
You know, if you're not busy.
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