Back from break—sort of
Thanks, all, for your cards and letters. Pat Odean:
I think something can only be said to jump the shark when there's a general consensus that shark jumping has occurred.Judging by your kind notes and posts there is no such consensus. Paul Bard:
Can the shark, once jumped (though I don't believe for a second that it has), be un-jumped?Mike Haney:
Furthermore, is a blog, or any other pop culture endeavor, to be condemned—or admired—for skiing in shark-infested waters, like an Indy race car on the razor's edge between control and disaster?
These are questions for the ages. Or the sages. Or at least for the critics on Entertainment Tonight.
These severely understated essays the past couple of weeks lack the punch your fans have come to expect.

In the meantime, hoops at St. John's continues. We tip off tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. Please let me know if you will or will not be there.
The Best!
4:57 PM
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