"One little slip and chomp! Chomp! Chomp!"
—Richie Cunningham
"Maybe he's suggesting Henry Winkler should have been on your list," the Missus helpfully offered.
No. Some clearly felt their sexuality threatened by last week's list, which I confidentaly posted "with an unblemished record of staunch heterosexuality," to quote George Costanza. But not this correspondent, whose wordless reply contained a single picture. Its message was unambiguous:

And so, my friends, with that clear signal that I have let you down I am stepping aside from my SJH blog responsibilities. This is a time for remorse, for reflection, and—if possible—redemption.
You have not heard the last of me. I feel I have much more to give. But now is a time to gather with family and friends, and think about the best way forward.
Oh, yeah: And let me know if you will or will not be at hoops this weekend. We tip off at St. John's at 8:00, as usual.
You know, it IS interesting that ALL of the entries on the 10 Most Sexy Men Not Me are of an age that could be considered "mature." Like us? Are WE mature? Or just getting old, and comparing ourselves to the smame?
So I was going to offer some suggestions on younger, more virile males. But I couldn't think of any. I don't read People Mag like the Missus (someone I'm very familiar with, as it turns out...)
I'm sure they're out there. But who? Who are the 10 Most Sexy Men - and women for that matter - under 30? I'll tell ya what, it's NOT that guy who plays Indiana Jones' son in the new movie. The one with the Most Unmemorable Name of 2008. Sheesh.
11:53 AM
While I disagree with the message of the Fonzie photo, I laughed so hard when I saw it that I'm glad the sender sent it.
Which presents a deep pop culture question. Can the shark, once jumped (though I don't believe for a second that it has), be un-jumped?
Furthermore, is a blog, or any other pop culture endeavor, to be condemned--or admired--for skiing in shark-infested waters, like an Indy race car on the razor's edge between control and disaster?
These are questions for the ages. Or the sages. Or at least for the critics on Entertainment Tonight.
But we have only our blogger to thank for posing them. And we should be grateful.
3:57 PM
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