Are you smarter than a fifth-grader?

I wonder. This is Garrett. If you're so smart, maybe you'd think twice about stepping on the court with Garrett.
Garrett was the eighth man last week and he more than held his own. Yes, that was Garrett popping—and hitting—fifteen footers over you. And that was Garrett going hard down the lane, getting you up in the air with a head fake, and nailing the up-and-under. Can you do that? You couldn't even do it in fifth grade.
Garrett can run all day. Look at him. He's barely sweating. If you're so smart how come you had three beers and fell asleep on the couch last night? How come all you had for breakfast was a donut? You can barely get up and down the court.
What are you, 40? Garrett is 10, yet he has four times the energy you do. Explain that math to me, Einstein.
Wise up this week. Bring a friend and get there early. That way we won't need to recruit Garrett again.
Please let me know if you will or will not be playing tomorrow. We tip off at 8:00 a.m., as usual.
Last week's attendance: 8
Eighth "man": Garrett
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