Oh, that guy

You don't want to be that guy, do you? You know that guy.
Shows up 40 minutes late and then whines when everyone wants to hang it up. Calls traveling but never on himself.
That guy is always open, always has a good shot. And his guy scored only because you didn't help in time. You know that guy's got a bad knee, so you gotta cover his left. Come on!
Man, that guy is fast. But only with the ball in his hand. Otherwise he's the guy yelling "Little help!" from 30 feet behind you.
Did you foul that guy? Of course you did. Just ask him. That guy even calls charging fouls—on you.
The only thing that guy won't call is three seconds—but he will start counting obnoxiously if he notices your heel touching the lane: "Six... Seven... Eight..."
You don't want to be that guy. You know who's not that guy? Matt Etzell and Steve Cervenik. Each has recently won the prestigious Eighth Man Award. How about you? Will you be in the running this week? Let me know if you will or will not be playing at st. John's tomorrow. We tip off at 8:00 a.m., as usual.
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