If you like Pina Coladas
Is "hooking up" (i.e., whoring around) more or less popular than it's ever been? It seems each generation is shocked, Tom Wolfe-like, to find the generation coming up is as indiscriminate as it was. Perhaps a new coinage gives the impression the same old licentiousness has morphed into a virulent new strain.

The Twin Cities used to have two alternative arts and entertainment weeklies, as they like to call themselves. I confess my favorite section of the old Twin Cities Reader (R.I.P.) was the "Wild Side" classifieds at the back. Long before we tweeted, those were novels in 140 characters or less.
Of course, such transactions have all moved to craigslist, where they flourish. Time was, your reply to a BBW seeking an FWB had to be routed through the paper. Now the market is liquid, buyers meeting sellers with no middleman.
As with many tasks accomplished online, today's ads lack the poetry and drama of yesterday's: We know why we are here. Send a pic and let's cut to the chase. Click. Delete. Click. Reply. Shag. Next.
The London Review of Books has just released "Sexually, I'm More of a Switzerland," a collection of personal ads written by readers who, in the words of the Wall Street Journal, "for years seem to have been locked in a competition to see who can come up with the most self-deprecating, eccentric, romantically heedless self-advertisements." What a welcome hearkening back to what the Guardian calls "clever haikus of longing and desire." (Wish I'd said that.) Among my favorites:
Think of every sexual partner you've ever had. I'm nothing like them. Unless you've ever slept with a bulimic German cellist named Elsa. Elsa: bulimic German cellist (F, 37).
Woman, 38: WLTM man to 40 who doesn't try to high-five her after sex. You know who you are.
OMG! This magazine is the shizz. Seriously, dudes. Awesome! LOL! Classics lecturer (M, 48). Possibly out of his depth with today's youth. KTHX! Box no. 2680.
Straight line. Straight line. Funny line. Sucker punch. Busy man, 36.
BBWM, two left feet but long arms, seeks mates for weekend play. Can host.
Okay, that last one's mine. All serious replies considered.
"Now the market is liquid, buyers meeting sellers with no middleman."
Unless, of course, you want that sort of thing...
3:04 PM
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